The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book B&W A4

  • Language : English

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80 in stock

About The Author

Andriy Burkov

Peter Norvig, Research Director at Google, co-author of AIMA, the most popular AI textbook in the world: “Burkov has undertaken a very useful but impossibly hard task in reducing all of machine learning to 100 pages. He succeeds well in choosing the topics – both theory and practice – that will be useful to practitioners, and for the reader who understands that this is the first 100 (or actually 150) pages you will read, not the last, provides a solid introduction to the field.”

Aurélien Géron, Senior AI Engineer, author of the bestseller Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow: “The breadth of topics the book covers is amazing for just 100 pages (plus few bonus pages!). Burkov doesn’t hesitate to go into the math equations: that’s one thing that short books usually drop. I really liked how the author explains the core concepts in just a few words. The book can be very useful for newcomers in the field, as well as for old-timers who can gain from such a broad view of the field.”

Karolis Urbonas, Head of Data Science at Amazon: “A great introduction to machine learning from a world-class practitioner.”

Chao Han, VP, Head of R&D at Lucidworks: “I wish such a book existed when I was a statistics graduate student trying to learn about machine learning.”

Sujeet Varakhedi, Head of Engineering at eBay: “Andriy’s book does a fantastic job of cutting the noise and hitting the tracks and full speed from the first page.”

Deepak Agarwal, VP of Artificial Intelligence at LinkedIn: “A wonderful book for engineers who want to incorporate ML in their day-to-day work without necessarily spending an enormous amount of time.”

Gareth James, Professor of Data Sciences and Operations, co-author of the bestseller An Introduction to Statistical Learning, with Applications in R: “I would highly recommend “The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book” for both the beginner looking to learn more about machine learning and the experienced practitioner seeking to extend their knowledge base.”


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